Samstag, 31. März 2012

dear disenchanted world...

I just want you to comment my drawings.
At the moment I'm working on my tuitional-application file for art-therapy, so from time to time I´m going to upload some of my work and I want you to look over it with a critical eye.
Tell me what you think about!!!
This one is from about one year ago, I tried to use different mediums (canvas/ acrylic paint; pastels; felt-tipped pen...) but some of the shades got lost on the way -into- the world wide web ;) .

The painting is called:  "Shelter my thoughts"

Sonntag, 4. März 2012


                    30-second-art-therapy-mood (yesterday)

what does it mean?

Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012

Not every sad tune... a bad tune! ;)

<3  In spite of everything and in everything I do, I just want to charm away melancholy.  <3

Sonntag, 20. November 2011

ArT tHeraPy.

iN gRinD wE... what???
I believe it should read:  " iN gRinD wE CResT !"
But what does it mean?


...well let's think about...


It's about the Chinese Crested!

Doggy wear?

...who knows....